Divorce is one such bitter truth of life that becomes difficult for everyone to adjust to. Though it is a life-changing event, it need not be harder. But here we are going to talk about military divorce and what life after divorce looks like.
If you are a military couple, planning to get divorced, and need a good attorney then you need to check for military divorce law firms here in Virginia. The Law Offices Of John W. Lee. P.C. has a good military divorce attorney who can give you the best support as required. Having 70 years of experience, they can offer you a high level of service, and reasonable attorney fees.
When you are married to a military person, you will surely undergo a lot of ups and downs in life. But post-divorce it is going to be even more difficult. The military provides its service member as well as their spouses with many benefits and security. But, all that will end once you get divorced.
So here are some tips that can help you after the divorce:
- Take help of therapy. If you are going through emotional trauma, you need not hold yourself from taking any help. You should take professional help to deal with this situation
- Find your new hobby. Try to get into things that you always wanted to do. Make a list of things that interests you and get going with doing these things.
- If you need help both physically and financially then you can take the help of these attorneys who can help you get the benefits that you deserve.
About Veterans Benefits after Divorce
The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) does provide benefits for the spouses, children, or any other legal dependents of the veterans who have passed away. This includes health and life insurance and educational help.
Here are certain factors that need to be known when veterans are divorced from their spouses and need to know about their compensation:
Disability Income
After the divorce, any lawyer or a family court cannot divide the disability income automatically between the veteran and their former spouse. However, you must know that the distribution of VA disability will differ from state to state. But there are situations where the government can garnish the portion of VA disability benefits. This can happen when the veteran fails to make any payments to the former spouse for any child support or alimony. In such case, the amount will be help and around 20 to 50 percent will be given to the spouse or the veteran’s dependents.